Threat Eye

Advance Vulnerability Assessment Tool

Threat Eye is a highly sophisticated and professional suite of cybersecurity tools developed to empower Penetration Testers and organisations in proactively identifying and mitigating security vulnerabilities. Threat Eye offers comprehensive and cutting-edge solutions. It enables users to enhance their security posture, continuously monitor threats, and generate detailed reports effortlessly.

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Quick Overview

Threat Eye is a highly sophisticated and professional suite of cybersecurity tools developed to empower Penetration Testers and organisations in proactively identifying and mitigating security vulnerabilities. Threat Eye offers comprehensive and cutting-edge solutions. It enables users to enhance their security posture, continuously monitor threats, and generate detailed reports effortlessl

Vulnerability Detection

Threat Eye conducts regular vulnerability scans across your systems, applications, and network infrastructure. It uses a combination of active and passive scanning techniques to identify known vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and weaknesses that could be exploited by attackers.

Vulnerabilities Assessment

Threat Eye’s Vulnerabilities Assessment feature provides a highly professional and comprehensive analysis of security weaknesses within networks and web applications. Leveraging industry-standard methodologies, it performs in-depth scans, identifying potential vulnerabilities in systems, software, and configurations. By assessing IP addresses and domains, Threat Eye uncovers potential entry points for malicious actors, ensuring that organizations can proactively address and remediate these vulnerabilities

Assessment Report

Threat Eye’s Assessment Report feature provides cybersecurity professionals with versatile and professional reporting options. With the ability to generate reports in HTML, CSV, TXT, and XML formats, Threat Eye ensures that assessment findings can be presented effectively to stakeholders. These comprehensive reports capture critical information, including vulnerabilities discovered, their severity, recommended actions, and other relevant details. The flexible output formats allow for easy sharing, analysis, and integration with existing workflows.

our price plan

Our Mission Is to Secure your digital assets from vulnerabilities

Free Edition
Upto 20 IP Scans
Upto 20 IP Addresses
Vulnerability Scanning
Light Weight
Suitable for Systems & Web Applications
/ per month
Upto 1000 Ip Adresses
Vulnerability Scanning
IT Assets Discovery
Security Misconfiguration Detection
Continuous Threat Monitoring
One Click Report Generate
Suitable for Local & Cloud Systems & Web Applications
/ Per Month
Unlimited Ip Addresses
Customize Branding
On premises Installation
Network Enumeration
Advance Vulnerability Scanning
Advance IT Assets Discovery
Security Misconfiguration Detection
Continuous Threat Monitoring
One Click Report Generate

Find Vulnerabilities in your Assets with Threat Eye